- Phone us: 01455 636110
About Us
Find out about our professional and experienced team - who they are, how they can help you and how you can contact them.
Dinesh Prema
Chartered Financial Planner
Dinesh has been in the industry for over 40 years with over 25 years of experience in directly advising clients.
Dinesh is qualified as a Chartered Financial Planner.
Phone: 01455 636110
Chartered Financial Planner
Dinesh Prema attained Chartered Financial Planner status in 2007.
The QCF level 6 advanced diploma in financial planning accreditation, bestowed by the Chartered Insurance Institute (CII), gives holders clear differentiation from the main body of financial advisers.
It recognises Dinesh’s specialist planning capabilities and his ability to offer a sophisticated and comprehensive approach to financial management.
“Independent research confirms that consumers place huge importance on talking to a chartered practitioner,” commented Dinesh. “They regard it as the most respected indicator of professionalism.
“It is more than just a qualification,” he stated, “and in addition to the increased perception of your services, it really does improve your level of technical knowledge.
“Diploma holders also have to adhere to a rigid code of ethics, placing chartered financial advisers on a par with other professionals such as accountants and solicitors.”
Ravi Prema
Chartered Financial Planner
Ravi has achieved the Advanced Diploma in Financial Planning and Chartered status, currently making him the youngest Chartered Financial Planner of the Chartered Insurance Institution (CII) to achieve this designation.
After 5 years in the industry he will continue to gain experience over the coming years which will enable him to provide the highest level of service to clients.
Phone: 01455 636110
Nita Prema
Office Manager
Nita has worked over 35 years in administration including in a bank, voluntary sector and for the last 20 years for Prema Financial Services Limited.
Phone: 01455 636110